Catalog | Apicenna

Ketoject 100 ml icn

Ketoject 100 ml
    Highly effective:
    • Wide range of applications
    • Preserves animals’ productive performance
    • Prevents early culling of animals
    • Shorter recovery times thanks to anti-inflammatory action

    • Not excreted with milk
    • Suitable for animals from their first days of life
    • Suitable for pregnant and lactating females

    Easy to administer:
    • Easily drawn into a syringe
    • Easily administered to animals
    • Painless injection
    • Multiple administration routes
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Description Indications for use Composition Dosage and administration Contraindications Special conditions Storage conditions Shelf life Documents

Anti inflammatory and pain reliever drug

Indications for use

Ketoject is administered to cattle, sporting horses and pigs as antiinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drug used as part of combined therapy for acute and chronic musculoskeletal diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, sprains, tendovaginitis, injuries, infectious hoof lesions, mastitis), pain syndromes (traumatic and postoperative pain, colic) and hyperthermia of various etiologies. Ketoject is used in combination with antibacterial drugs for treatment of respiratory diseases.


Ketoprofen — 100 mg/ml, excipients up to 1 ml.

Dosage and administration

Ketoject is administered to animals parenterally once daily in the following doses:

- to cattle – intramuscularly or intravenously 3 ml per 100 kg of animal body weight (equivalent to 3 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of animal body weight) for 1 to 3 days;

- to pigs – intramuscularly 3 ml per 100 kg of animal body weight (equivalent to 3 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of animal body weight) for 1 to 3 days;
- to sporting horses – intravenously 1 ml of the drug per 45 kg of animal body weight (equivalent to 2.2 mg of ketoprofen per 1 kg of animal body weight) for 3-5 days; for symptomatic colic treatment
the drug is administered as a single dose at 1 ml per 45 kg of animal body weight.

The duration of treatment depends on the animal’s condition is determined by the attending veterinarian.


Contraindications to the use of Ketoject include the animal’s individual hypersensitivity to the drug components, gastric and duodenal ulcer, hemorrhagic syndrome, pronounce renal and hepatic failure.

Special conditions

Slaughter of cattle for meat is allowed no earlier than 5 days, pigs — no earlier than 4 days following the most recent drug administration. Meat of animals that had to be slaughtered before the expiry of the aforesaid time periods may be used as animal feed. Milk from milking cows may be used during the treatment with Ketoject without any restrictions.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored sealed in the manufacturer packaging, protected from direct sunlight and kept separate from food products and feeds at temperatures between +5°С and +25°С.

Shelf life

The drug has a shelf life of 3 years from the date of manufacture, provided that the storage conditions are met at all times, and 21 days once the bottle is opened.

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