Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна


Strongyloidiasis is a nematode caused by roundworms of the family Strongyloididae, suborder Rhabditata. Humans are also susceptible.

Developmental biology

Similar for all strongyloidoses. Have direct and indirect type of development, depending on environmental conditions.  In the direct path of development, more often in the warm season, in the external environment from the egg hatches a larva, which moults several times and then becomes invasive. It is ingested by the main host. In the indirect path of development, after the first moult in the external environment, larvae of the 2nd stage are formed, which turn into free-living separate-sex males and females. They are in the external environment and lay eggs. Larvae hatch from the eggs and filarial (invasive) forms are formed. These helminths can develop in different ways outside the host. Infection can occur by ingestion or through the skin when filarial larvae penetrate the body.


Diagnosis is based on the results of faecal analysis.

Strongyloidiasis of cattle and small ruminants

The pathogen is Strongyloides papillosus (hares and rabbits are susceptible). Affects the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

Symptoms: in sheep, itching, restlessness, redness, pustules are formed in the first days after larvae penetrate the skin. During larvae migration the condition worsens, body temperature rises, appetite decreases, moist rales are heard in the lungs, which then disappear. Peristalsis increases, mucus appears in the faeces, diarrhoea and constipation appear. In calves strongyloidosis runs chronically, accompanied by a decrease in body weight lag in development. Rarely similar to symptoms in lambs (sheep).

Treatment: ivermectin, eprinomectin, febantel (Neomectin, Eprimek, Praziver).

Strongyloidosis of foals

The causative agent is Strongyloides westeri. Localisation of adult nematodes in the small intestine.

Symptoms: chronic, symptoms are weak.

Treatment: mebendazole, thiabendazole, eprinomectin (Eprimek), ivermectin + praziquantel (Prazivera) are effective.

Strongyloidosis of piglets

The causative agent is Strongyloides ransomi. Parasitises in the small intestine.

Symptoms: runs acutely and chronically. In piglets up to 2 months of age, lethargy, digestive problems, decreased appetite, decreased body weight are noted. The skin turns red, rash appears, body temperature rises, severe soreness in the back and croup, vomiting, diarrhoea, visible mucous membranes become pale. In adult animals, in most cases it is chronic, with no obvious clinical picture.
Treatment: preparations based on fenbendazole, ivermectin, eprinomectin (Eprimek, Praziver, Neomectin).

Prevention: prevention of strongyloidosis for all types of animals is timely deworming.

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