Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна

Inflammation of the uterus

Purulent inflammation of the uterus is one of the most dangerous acute pathological conditions in pets. Without timely veterinary care, it inevitably leads to the death of pets.

Types of uterine inflammation in cats and dogs

The disease in female pets occurs in three forms:

- pyometra - an inflammatory process accompanied by an accumulation of purulent contents in the cavity;

- chronic endometritis - purulent-inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane (endometrium);

- glandular cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium - pathological degeneration of the inner layer of the uterus. It may occur with or without bacterial infection.

Depending on the state of the organ's cervix, inflammation can be open or closed. In the first case, the purulent substance flows outward, in the second case - accumulates inside, which is more dangerous, as it creates a threat of rupture of the wall, pouring the contents into the peritoneum with the further development of peritonitis.

Causes of the disease

Typical pyometra in most cases develops against the background of primary infection. During heat, bacteria (e.g., staphylococci) penetrate into the uterus through the open cervix, provoking the beginning of the inflammatory process. After the closure of the cervix, favourable conditions are created for the growth of a colony of pathogens, the cavity is filled with purulent secretion. Toxins enter the blood, spread to other internal organs.

Another reason for the development of the disease is hormonal failures in the bitch's body. As a result of abnormalities in the synthesis of progesterone, the endometrium pathologically overgrows, becomes inflamed, and later bacterial infection may attach.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of pyometra formation are:

- weakened immunity;

- termination of pregnancy with the help of estrogen preparations (especially dangerous their use after the 15th day of heat);

- use of drugs to correct the cycle, reducing the manifestations of "gonus";

- operations (such as caesarean section) with violation of antiseptic rules.

The risk group includes non-pregnant female pets older than 5-6 years, as well as uncontrolled pregnancies after each heat.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods
The earliest signs of open pyometra are vaginal discharge of whitish-yellow to reddish-brown colour. Because of the specific shade and unpleasant odour, many owners mistake swabs on the pet's fur for traces of diarrhea.

Closed inflammation of the uterus is characterised by a significant increase in the volume of the abdomen. In large bitches, the weight of the organ filled with pus can reach 10 kg.

Other signs of pathology are:

- increased thirst;

- intense licking of the loop;

- refusal to eat;

- an increase in the amount of urine;

- dyspnoea;   
- increase in body temperature to critical values (more often observed at the beginning of the disease, then the fever subsides);

- deterioration of coat quality;

- diarrhoea;

- depressed state;

- lethargy;

- weakness of the hind limbs;

- vomiting;

- dehydration;

- shock due to severe intoxication in closed pyometra.

The intensity of manifestations depends on the form, speed of development of the disease. A visit to the veterinarian should not be delayed. Rupture of the uterus can occur at any moment. If the purulent contents spill out into the abdominal cavity, it will be almost impossible to save the pet.

During the appointment, the veterinarian examines the female, interviews the owners. Gently palpates the abdominal area. Too strong pressure is contraindicated (especially they can not be carried out by the owners themselves), such actions can provoke the opening of the uterine wall.

To clarify the diagnosis, excluding other diseases, the animal will need additional examinations. These include:

- general and biochemical blood tests;

- urine tests;


- X-ray;

- cytology;

- examination of the vagina.

Based on the results, the doctor prescribes the best treatment.

Treatment in pets

The only effective therapy for inflammation of the uterus is surgery (ovariohysterectomy) to remove the organ itself and the ovaries.

Drug treatment in this case is ineffective, since the disease is recurrent. Taking pharmaceuticals does not lead to recovery, after some time the situation is repeated, especially in cats.
Some owners of high-bred individuals try to preserve the procreative function of pets with the help of lifelong administration of prostoglandin or aglepriston (progesterone antagonist). However, this method has many contraindications and provokes a number of side effects. In the end, it is still necessary to perform surgery.

A reliable way to prevent pyometra is timely castration of a bitch or cat (before the first heat), which is not of breeding value. If the female is involved in breeding, it is necessary to clearly control the frequency of mating. There should be an interval of one heat between births. Also, pets should not be given drugs to stop sexual behaviour. At the first signs of indisposition of a dog, cat, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, in no case do not self-medicate.
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