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Flea dermatitis


Fleas do not just cause discomfort to pets, but they are also carriers of dangerous infections, and also cause helminthiasis.

Insects themselves can also provoke diseases. One of the most common ones is flea allergic dermatitis (FAD). Its share among all pathologies caused by hypersensitivity to certain substances reaches 80%.

Flea dermatitis; causes of the disease in dogs and cats

Entomologists know two thousand varieties of fleas, they live in different parts of the animal's body. Interestingly, insects do not provoke flea allergic dermatitis in all cats and dogs, but in weakened animals, pets with hypersensitivity to the components of flea saliva.

When feeding, the flea secretes saliva into the skin, the components of which prevent blood clotting. Saliva contains at least 15 different substances that can provoke an allergic reaction in a number of animals.

Pets that are immune to flea saliva may not pay much attention to bites. When an allergy is present, the animal actively scratches the bite site, damaging the integument, which creates the preconditions for a secondary infection to occur.

There are a number of studies in which scientists have identified a genetic predisposition to FAD in representatives of certain breeds – pekingese, setters, chow chows, fox terriers, spaniels. However, no breed is immune from the disease. More often, the disease develops in weakened animals.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

Signs of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis) in pets are as follows:

constant itching;

hair loss up to focal alopecia;


decreased appetite (sometimes there is a complete refusal to eat);

traces of scratches;


aggressiveness, nervous condition;

peeling on the skin;

bad, interrupted sleep.

When an animal is scratching itself, bacteria penetrate into the resulting wounds, causing infection and aggravating the course of the disease, characterized by the appearance of large-scale damage to the skin and fur. The severity of manifestations of FAD depends on the number of insects, the general health of the animal, and the degree of susceptibility to bites.

The symptoms of flea dermatitis are similar to those of other dermatological pathologies. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit a veterinary clinic.

At the reception, the doctor shall examine the pet, find out if it has ectoparasites. It is difficult to notice the insects, but by pushing the fur apart, you can find small black dots – these are the products of the parasites' vital activity. The easiest way to identify bloodsuckers is to comb your cat or dog with a fine-toothed comb over a white sheet of paper. If there are fleas, the dirt will fall on it. Additionally, the veterinarian will conduct serological and allergy tests.

Treatment of the disease in pets

Flea dermatitis can be treated quite successfully. The drugs are selected individually, depending on the severity of the symptoms. For example, steroids are used to relieve itching, antibiotics will be required in case of infection. The main thing is to get rid of the insects.

Special products are produced in the form of:





For treatment and prevention of flea dermatitis, the following Apicenna drugs can be usefull:

Dana Ultra is available in the form of spray, collars or drops on the withers for cats and dogs of different weights and ages. It quickly destroys external parasites after animal treatment, provides long-term protection against re-infection to animals, provides protection against re-infection for up to two months;

Eprimec is an injection solution that is not addictive to insects. It is suitable for treatment of nursing females;

The prazicide complex in the form of external drops helps to rid the animal of external parasites and helminths. It is used for kittens or puppies from the age of two months;

Dana Spot-On drops on the withers to protect against fleas and ticks.

Attention: the drugs have a number of contraindications, it is better to choose the appropriate remedy after consulting with a veterinarian.

In addition to the furry patient, the apartment also needs to be treated against fleas with special products. It is also necessary to apply insecticidal agents to other pets.

No animal is immune from external parasites. Even if a cat does not leave the house, this does not guarantee its protection from insects. They can be brought on shoes by the owners. To prevent serious dermatological problems in cats and dogs, it is necessary to follow the schedule of preventive pet treatments.

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