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Dirofilariosis (prophylaxis)

What is Dirofilariosis?

Dirofilariosis is a disease caused by the round helminths (worms) Dirofilaria immitis. The adults live and parasitise in the animal's heart, while the larvae (microfilariae) circulate in the bloodstream (blood).

How can an animal contract dirofilariosis?

Although the disease is caused by helminths, the mode of infection is very unusual - animals are infected through the bite of a mosquito.

Where is dirofilariosis common?

The disease is widespread in the south-eastern regions, but in recent years the trend has changed dramatically and more and more cases of dirofilariasis in pets have been actively registered in the middle zone of the Russian Federation.

What happens after a mosquito bite?

During a mosquito bite, the larva of dirofilariae penetrates the skin, then with the help of lymph and blood moves to the heart, where it becomes an adult. And already in the heart of the adult sexually mature individual continues to reproduce, hatching new larvae, which with the blood flow spread through the circulatory system. The highest activity of larvae in peripheral blood is observed in the evening, which is directly related to the activity of summer mosquitoes, which, when bitten by an infected animal, become a source of the disease themselves.

What is the danger of dirofilariosis?

The danger of dirofilariosis lies in the blockage of the heart and large vessels by the adult helminth and, as a consequence, the instant death of the animal.

How to recognise the symptoms of the disease?

It is quite difficult to recognise the symptoms of the disease, as owners often associate deviations in the behaviour and well-being of the animal with hot weather, age, some with the calm temperament of the animal.


- Fatigue

- Dyspnoea

- Swelling

- Coughing

- Paralysis of the limbs

How do I know if my pet has dirofilariosis?

If you notice the symptoms described above, it is best to see your vet. He will prescribe the necessary tests and perform investigations to diagnose the disease, which include cardiac examination (ECG), chest X-ray, blood tests (general clinical analysis and biochemical blood analysis).

What to do and how to treat?

Treatment of dirofilariosis with a confirmed diagnosis is prescribed by a veterinary specialist and is carried out under his supervision, since it is associated with the risk of thromboembolism of adults that are in the heart. 

How to reduce the risk of infection with dirofilariosis?

The very first thing to take care of is purchasing repellents for your dog that will repel mosquitoes. This greatly reduces the risk of contracting dirofilariosis, as the mosquito is the carrier of the disease. These can be sprays, drops on the withers. For example, Dana Ultra spray with the active substance from all external parasites - fipronil and repellent - cyfluthrin, it can be treated right before going to the zone of increased activity of ticks and mosquitoes, starts to protect the animal immediately after application and gives repellent effect for up to 5 days. 

How to prevent dirofilariosis?

The main prevention of dirofilariasis is to prevent the spread of larvae (microfilariae) through the animal's body before they enter the heart and begin to develop into sexually mature individuals. To date, the newest, most effective and safe agent for the prevention of microfilariae is moxidectin. 

On its basis and was developed the drug Helmimax, which has undergone successful clinical trials and proved its effectiveness in the prevention of such a dangerous disease as dirofilariasis. These tablets for dogs of different weights have a desirable for most animals flavour of baked chicken, so they are well eaten and easily divided into 4 parts thanks to the cross-shaped notch. 
Having a wide range of action, it destroys 13 species of round and tapeworms not only in the gastrointestinal tract, parenchymatous organs, and is also indicated for the prevention of dirofilariosis, as it kills microfilariae (larvae of dirofilariae). For this purpose, Helmimax is administered once every 30 days throughout the mosquito summer, when the threat of microfilariae transfer by mosquito bite is high.

By giving Helmimax regularly once every three months to prevent helminth infections, you can be sure that your pet is under reliable protection.

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