Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна

Contact acute inflammation of the skin

Inflammations of the deep layers of the skin (dermatitis) are quite common in cats and dogs. The causes of skin disorders are many. The contact variety of the disease develops in some animals even because of harmless accessories that owners purchase for their pets. If the first signs of pathology are detected, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian. Without treatment, skin inflammation passes into a chronic form, causing serious complications.

What is contact acute inflammation of the skin. Causes of the disease in dogs, cats

Contact inflammation of the skin - one of the varieties of allergic dermatitis. It develops with direct contact with the skin of the animal with allergens or irritating components.

These can be:

low-quality rubber or plastic;


shampoos, detergents;

thermal burns;

hair bands that are too tight on the dermis;


flea collars;

veterinary cosmetics;

ultraviolet rays (especially harmful for hairless breeds of cats and dogs).

Contact dermatitis is more common in animals living in urban flats. It is rare (only a few fully documented cases are known) because the pet's coat has a strong defence function. Foci of irritation usually appear on areas with a sparser cover - in the perineum, groin or in front of the ears.

Symptoms and methods of diagnosis

The pathology progresses slowly, as it requires prolonged contact of the pet with the irritant.
Owners usually notice the problem in the late stages, when pronounced symptoms appear:



soreness in the affected area;


redness of the skin;

bald patches;

localised temperature rise.

Initially, the size of the inflammation centre corresponds to the area of contact with the irritant (e.g. collar). If treatment is not started, it spreads to other parts of the body. The animal's skin dries out, cracks, ulcers, pustules and crusts appear. In the future, infection is likely to join, against the background of reduced immunity. Symptomatology is complemented by restless behaviour of the dog from continuous itching, sleep disturbance, refusal to eat.

Diagnosis of contact dermatitis in pets is difficult. It is usually based on the exclusion of contact with a potential irritant. At the reception, the veterinarian will question the owner in detail about changes in the care of the animal, new items of ammunition, the content of the cat or dog, the peculiarities of feeding.

To exclude alternative causes of the disease, specialists will conduct blood and urine tests, as well as microscopic, bacteriological study of scrapings from the problem area of the skin. According to the results of studies, the animal will be prescribed the optimal therapeutic course.

Treatment of the disease in pets

During a visit to the clinic, the furry patient will be given an initial treatment. Cut the hair in the affected areas, apply an antiseptic solution, remove the crusts that have formed, then apply a bandage to prevent combing. If necessary, the animal will be anaesthetised. Further tactics depend on the level of neglect of the problem.

The disease in a mild form often passes on its own, after the elimination of provoking factors. In complex cases, complex treatment is required with the use of pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy, local treatments.

Drug therapy can include drugs from the following groups:


antiparasitic, antifungal, antibiotics - in case of secondary infection;



diuretics - for accelerated removal of toxins from the body.

Attention: any medication should be given to the pet only by doctor's prescription! Self-medication can cause serious harm to the health of a furry pet.

The main role in the treatment of contact dermatitis is played by external treatments. For these purposes, it is good to use preparations produced by the company Apicenna:

Stop-zud - reduces the symptomatology of dermatitis, helps to restore the structure of the skin, stops the inflammatory process. Effectively treats skin lesions of different etiologies, available as a spray and suspension.

Fungin Forte - effective in fungal lesions of any severity. Quickly reduces inflammation, eliminates swelling, accelerates healing of scabs.

Dekta Forte - instantly relieves itching, destroys all types of scabies mites.

To improve the general health of the skin and coat of pets, and to alleviate the course of the disease, it is good to bathe them with Apicenna shampoos with birch tar or chlorhexidine (4%). The latter additionally has pronounced antimicrobial properties.

Supplement treatment can be supplemented with physiotherapy procedures. Such as ultraviolet or infrared irradiation. Manipulations help the skin to recover faster, destroy pathogenic microflora. After treatment, it is necessary to completely exclude further contact of the pet with the irritant. Otherwise, contact inflammation will return.
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