Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна


Osteoarthritis is a chronic non-inflammatory joint disease that results in degenerative and dystrophic (irreversible) changes in the articular cartilage and articulating bones, leading to joint deformity. Osteoarthritis affects all animal species and humans.

Many factors lead to the occurrence of osteoarthritis, more often it is associated with vitamin and mineral metabolism (rickets), influenced by constitutional weakness of articular cartilage and bones, as well as age-related changes and nutritional disorders, improper positioning of limbs, and anomalies of articular surfaces.

Stages of osteoarthritis in animals

Three stages of osteoarthritis development are distinguished.

In the first initial stage of the disease, there are no visible signs and deviations from the norm. X-rays show slight spiky bony overgrowths on the articular margin, the height of the articular gap is normal or slightly reduced.

In the second stage, the functions of the affected joint are impaired. Animals lie down more, discomfort is seen when standing up, they quickly tire, lameness appears, increasing with movement, crepitating (like crunching of snow under feet) sound in the joint is heard. The animal steps from foot to foot, trying to change the position of the whole body. X-rays show a 2-3 times smaller joint gap than normal. Bone marginal growths are clearly visible and have a relatively wide base.

The third stage of arthrosis is manifested by obvious clinical, radiological and pathomorphological changes. The animal appears severe lameness, movements are tense. On the X-ray image, massive bone formations along the articular edge of the bones are registered. The articular gap is maximally narrowed. 

Diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis

Diagnosis is made on the basis of examination and X-rays.

Treatment is aimed at elimination of the cause (metabolic disorders in farm animals) and supportive therapy with chondroprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Flunidject, Ketoject).
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