Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна


A disease caused by roundworms of the family Ancylostomatidae, suborder Strongylata, parasitising the small intestine of carnivores. Two species are known - unicinarosis (Uncinaria stenocephala) and ankylostomiasis (Ancylostoma caninum). Humans are also affected by the disease.

The main hosts are cats, foxes, dogs, Arctic foxes, raccoons and fur seals (for Uncinaria). Infection of the animal occurs by ingestion with food or by direct introduction of the larvae through the skin. Depending on the method of penetration into the animal's body, the larvae enter and develop in the intestine or in the circulatory system (blood vessels - right ventricle of the heart - through the small circle of blood circulation they enter the lungs, bronchioles, trachea, mouth cavity, where they are swallowed with saliva and enter the intestine). In the intestine there is a final development to a sexually mature individual, which releases eggs with faeces of the host animal into the external environment.

Main symptoms of ankylomostosis

During the movement and migration of larvae through the skin, blood vessels are traumatised, the animal has redness of the skin, itching, everything looks like an allergy, scabies appear. Adults, attaching to the wall of the small intestine, cause mechanical damage to the mucosal wall, which hinders the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, sick animals have decreased appetite, diarrhoea, constipation, blood in the faeces, mucous membranes are pale (anaemic), wool is dull. With a large concentration of adults often observed blockage of the small intestine and, as a consequence, rupture of the intestinal wall, peritonitis and death of the animal.

Diagnosis of ankylomostosis

Diagnosis is based on the results of clinical examination and general faecal analysis.

Treatment and prevention of ankylomostosis

For treatment and prophylaxis use drugs based on pyrantel, febantel, fenbendazole, moxidectin and others.

Helmimax, Dirofen, Prazicide, etc.

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