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Vazosan 2,5 mg for cats and dogs icn

Vazosan 2,5 mg for cats and dogs
    Легкий подбор препарата по весу животного благодаря наличию трех вариантов дозировок.

    Снижает риск поражения органов-мишеней (головной мозг, почки, глаза, сердце).
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Description Indications for use Composition Dosage and administration Contraindications Storage conditions Shelf life Documents

Drug for treatment and prevention of chronic heart failure in dogs and control of blood pressure in cats

Indications for use

Vazosan is used in dogs for treatment of chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathies of various etiologies, and prevention of myocardial ischemia. In cats, the preparation is used to lower systolic blood pressure (if the systolic blood pressure is 160 mmHg or higher).


ramipril — 2.5 mg/tablet, excipients.

Dosage and administration

The drug should be administered orally once daily, on an empty stomach. For very large animals (weighting over 50 kg), the daily dose may be divided in two. The initial therapeutic dose for dogs per day is 0.125 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of animal weight.

If taking Vazosan does not produce blood pressure lowering effect, the daily dose may be increased up to 0.25 mg/kg or diuretic drugs may be added to the treatment regimen to enhance the therapeutic
effect. Should the animal develop pulmonary congestion within 2 weeks following the first intake of Vazosan, the daily dose may be increased up to 0.25 mg/kg. Vazosan is used for cats where other
attempts to eliminate the cause of blood pressure increase (e.g., hyperthyroidism) have failed.


Contraindication to the use of Vazosan include the animal’s individual hypersensitivity to the drug components, decompensated hepatic and renal failure. The drug should not be administered to dogs suffering from mitral valve stenosis, aortic stenosis and obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Storage conditions

The drug should be stored sealed in the manufacturer packaging, protected from direct sunlight and kept separate from food products and feeds at temperatures between +2 ºС and +25 ºС.

Shelf life

The drug has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture, provided that the storage conditions are met at all times.

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Анжела Б
У кота аллергический блошиный дерматит, выписали капли на холку и таблетки. Капли Дана Ультра помогли, сыпь у кота прошла, перестал чесаться.
Мария Б.
Цена = качество. Капли Дана Ультра идут на вес 20-40кг, если нужно 40+ то соответственно нужно две пипетки (по весу). Отличные капли, за приятную цену.  
Мария Г.
Цена соответствует качеству. Три дня до и три после не купаем собаку, наносим точечно в несколько мест на холку. Моя собака-аллергик, если вылить всю пипетку на одно место-может быть раздражение,а так все ок. Хороший препарат, Рекомендую.
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