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Crystal Line Rosinka Eye Lotion icn

Crystal Line Rosinka Eye Lotion


    Hyaluronic acid in Rosinka lotions is endowed with properties to attract and retain water providing moisture to the eyes and skin and helping them regenerate

    A unique composition based on hyaluronic and succinic acids and supplemented with plant components relieves irritation and inflammation


    High quality natural ingredients to provide gentle care for your pet


    Easy-to-use bottles to help you look after your pet

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Description Indications for use Composition How to use Storage conditions Shelf life

Lotion for sanitizing animals’ eyes and ears

Indications for use

Crystal Line Rosinka Eye Lotion is used to sanitize animals’ eyes in case of drying discharges that are most evident in the morning, tearfulness and eyelid swelling, and prevent the formation of tear lines and sanitize the eyes before drug application.


water for injections, polyvinylpyrrolidone, sodium chloride, benzyl alcohol, D-panthenol, chamomile extract, succinic acid, sodium hydroxide, hyaluronic acid

How to use

Crystal Line Rosinka Eye Lotion: to sanitize the eyes, use a cotton swab soaked in the lotion and, moving from the outer eye corner to the inner corner, remove the discharges. Thereupon, take a clean cotton swab soaked in the lotion and sanitize the eye already cleaned in the same manner. Such sanitizing is done as needed.

Storage conditions

The product should be stored sealed in the manufacturer packaging, protected from direct sunlight and kept separate from food products and feeds at temperatures between +2°С and +25°С.

Shelf life

The product has a shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture, provided that the storage conditions are met at all times.

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Анжела Б
У кота аллергический блошиный дерматит, выписали капли на холку и таблетки. Капли Дана Ультра помогли, сыпь у кота прошла, перестал чесаться.
Мария Б.
Цена = качество. Капли Дана Ультра идут на вес 20-40кг, если нужно 40+ то соответственно нужно две пипетки (по весу). Отличные капли, за приятную цену.  
Мария Г.
Цена соответствует качеству. Три дня до и три после не купаем собаку, наносим точечно в несколько мест на холку. Моя собака-аллергик, если вылить всю пипетку на одно место-может быть раздражение,а так все ок. Хороший препарат, Рекомендую.
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