Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна

Ear inflammation

Synonyms: otitis media 

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ear in animals and humans. Depending on the location of the lesion in the ear, there are three types of otitis media:

external otitis - inflammation of the ear drum and the external ear canal. The most common in veterinary practice.

middle otitis media - inflammation of the middle ear (tympanic cavity, eardrum).

internal otitis media - inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinthitis. It is rare. 

Causes of otitis externa

The causes of external otitis media are diverse. Food allergies, parasitic disease (otodectosis), fungal or bacterial infection, foreign objects or water in the ear, polyps and neoplasms of the ear canal can cause the disease. Symptoms of the disease:

The animal shakes its head,

scratching the ear all the time,

the inside of the ear is red,

when pressing on the base of the ear drum, there is a gurgling/slurping sound,

a lot of copious dirty discharge from the ear,

ear is hot,

on examination, the animal is anxious, the ear hurts.

Treatment of otitis externa

Depending on the causes of the disease, both complex and local treatment is prescribed. In case of allergic otitis media, diet and antihistamines are prescribed; in case of parasitic diseases, treatment with special ear drops and drops on the withers; in case of fungal and bacterial infections, local and systemic drugs; in case of polyps and neoplasms, surgical treatment is recommended.

Causes of otitis media and otitis interna (ear inflammation)

The causes of otitis media and otitis interna are often the spread of infection in external otitis media. These two conditions are much less common, but they are much more dangerous. Symptoms may be the same as in external otitis media, or none at all except for discharge and odour. The danger lies in the perforation of the eardrum and the penetration of infection into the sinuses of the skull, and the brain. Neurological picture is often observed: ophthalmological disorders (nystagmus, strabismus), head tilt to the side, ear or lip paresis, Gorner's syndrome is not uncommon.

Treatment of otitis media and internal otitis media

Treatment for these diseases is complex, systemic, includes a course of antibiotics, infusions, and other necessary symptomatic therapy.

Local treatments of the ear canal are prescribed ONLY by a veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis, as many local treatments are contraindicated in case of tympanic membrane perforation!

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