Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна


Coccidiosis (or isosporosis) is a common disease of pets. According to statistics, about 55% of cats and dogs are carriers of this disease. Owners do not always pay enough attention to this pathology, taking its manifestations for digestive disorders or helminth infestation. Meanwhile, infection with this microorganism without treatment leads to severe complications, up to the death of the pet.

What is coccidiosis, causes of the disease in dogs and cats

The causative agents of coccidiosis are unicellular microorganisms-sporoviki of the genus Isospora. The disease in cats and dogs is usually provoked by species:







Having penetrated into the intestine, coccidia penetrate into the cells of the epithelial layer of the organ, destroy it, causing mechanical traumatisation of the mucous membranes. Inflamed areas are necrotised. This creates preconditions for secondary bacterial or viral infection. The animal is disturbed membrane digestion in the small intestine, hydrolysis, absorption of nutrients. Dehydration develops, heart function deteriorates and the animal dies.

The danger of coccidiosis is that part of the life cycle of the pathogen takes place in the tissues of internal organs (more often in the liver). The final stages of pathology in cats often occur against the background of liver failure.

Treatment is hampered by the ability of the parasite to take root in the structure of cells, the variability of division pathways (there are sexless and sexual ways). High reproduction rate.

Attention: one spore can give up to 2000000 parasites.

Coccidia enter the animal's body by alimentary route (through the oral cavity). Direct contact with an infected individual is not required. Spores remain viable on care items, in water, feed, faeces, on the nipples of a lactating bitch. Rodents, insects, birds also act as vectors. They are resistant to high temperatures (they die at 80-100°C in 7-10 seconds) and disinfectant solutions.

Puppies and kittens aged from two weeks to six months are most susceptible to the pathogen. Adults are more often carriers, but can become ill if conditions favourable for the parasite are created.

Additional provocateurs of the disease are factors that weaken immunity:

poor-quality nutrition;

sudden change of food or transition of cubs from breastfeeding to self-feeding;

severe stress;


excessive protein in the diet;

unsanitary conditions in which pets are kept;

worm infestations;

untreated infectious diseases.

The incubation period of coccidiosis lasts from 3 to 14 days. Then the first signs of pathology are manifested.

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

Isosporosis occurs in acute or chronic form. The first is characteristic of young animals, the second - for adults.

Symptoms of acute coccidiosis:

oppressed state;

watery diarrhoea with blood, mucus;



muscle tremors;

peritoneal soreness on palpation or defecation;


signs of dehydration;

increased abdominal size due to bloating of the intestines, swelling of the liver, gallbladder;

neurological disorders;

pallor of the mucous membranes;

weight loss.

Temperature rises slightly or remains normal. With the progression of the disease, its decrease is observed.

The chronic form of isosporosis manifests itself as follows:

alternation of diarrhoea with constipation;

deterioration of coat quality;

recurrent vomiting;



pieces of undigested food in the faeces.

With a prolonged course of the disease is depressed immune system, increasing signs of intoxication. Treatment becomes difficult, since the intestinal mucosa is destroyed, and most drugs act in its lumen.
The diagnosis of coccidiosis is made by a veterinarian on the basis of anamnesis collection (from the owners' words), faecal analyses according to the Darling and Fulleborn methods, as well as with a sugar solution. After reliable detection of spores in the faeces, the pet is prescribed medication.

Treatment of the disease in pets

Therapy of coccidiosis requires a comprehensive approach aimed at:

prevention of dehydration;

control of inflammatory processes;

relieving intoxication;

normalisation of intestinal function;

maintenance of the cardiovascular system;

improving immunity.

It is obligatory to follow a diet consisting of easily digestible, non-irritating intestinal feed.

To kill the pathogen directly in dogs, veterinarians use Stop Coccid from Apicenna. Stop coccid suspension for oral administration has a pleasant taste for animals. The drug is effective against all types of coccidia. Safe for the pet, does not provoke the development of complications, side effects.
To prevent the development of coccidiosis in cats, dogs, it is necessary to carefully observe the hygienic rules of keeping animals. Provide pets with a nutritious diet, regularly carry out preventive treatments against internal and external parasites.
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