Словарь ветеринарных терминов — ветеринарный словарь | Энциклопедия Апиценна

Babesiosis (pyroplasmosis, nuttaliosis)


Babesiosis (synonyms: pyroplasmosis, nuttaliosis) is a blood parasitic disease of animals. It affects dogs and farm animals (cattle, small cattle, and horses).

Babesia, or pyroplasma, affects the formed elements of the blood, namely red blood cells. It is in them that parasites live, reproduce and release toxins (products of their vital activity). Intoxication (poisoning of the body) occurs, a shift in the normal pH of the blood occurs, which leads to disorders in other organs and systems. Blood sugar levels decrease, protein levels decrease, liver malfunction occurs (hepatitis, jaundice), destroyed red blood cells clog the kidney tubules, kidney failure occurs, and death occurs in some animal species.

Infection with babesiosis (pyroplasmosis) for all animal species occurs through a tick bite.

Depending on the type of an animal, different animals carry the disease differently.

Pyroplasmosis in agricultural animals

A cow can recover from this disease and develop immunity for about a year. However, during the illness, productivity decreases for a long time, the farm bears great economic damage.

Symptoms of babesiosis (pyroplasmosis) in cattle (e.g. cows):

reduced milk production and decreased appetite;

body temperature increases to 40-42 °C, fever;

the mucous membranes are pale and quickly become jaundiced;

urine turns pink, then red, and at the end of the disease – dark red;

already on day 2, milk yields are sharply reduced, and on day 4-6, cows completely stop milking;

the blood of sick animals becomes watery/

Small cattle suffer from babesiosis severely, the mortality rate in the livestock reaches 80% without proper treatment.

Symptoms of babesiosis (pyropasmosis) in small cattle (for example, in sheep):

cardiac activity is weakened;

breathing becomes shallow and rapid;

sick sheep stand with their legs wide apart, with their heads down, do not take food well, lag behind the flock;

in the initial period of the disease, diarrhea is observed, followed by persistent atony of the forestomaches;

the mucous membranes become jaundiced;

the blood is watery, it does not coagulate well;

urine of sick animals is cloudy, yellow or red in color (hemoglobinuria);

goats usually do not have hemoglobinuria;

The disease lasts for 3-7 days and can be fatal (up to 60-80%), if no therapeutic measures are taken;

Merino breeds are more resistant to babesiosis, in which the disease occurs with less pronounced clinical signs.

Symptoms of babesiosis (nuttaliosis) in horses

an increase in body temperature up to 41-41.5, fever;

loss of appetite;

reduced performance;

increased heart rate and breathing;

jaundice of the mucous membranes;

darkening of the urine can be observed.

Drugs for treatment of pyroplasmosis in agricultural animals

There are modern injectable drugs for prevention and treatment of babesiosis of the above-listed animals. In order to prevent tick bites, livestock are treated with special insecticides.

Pyroplasmosis in dogs

Dogs have a completely different picture. In case of babesiosis / pyroplasmosis, the mortality rate is 98% without proper treatment. Immunity is not formed, which means that after the treatment of babesiosis, the animal may get sick again, literally in 1.5 months.

Symptoms of pyroplasmosis in dogs:


loss of appetite;

the temperature rises up to 41C, fever;

darkening of urine;

jaundice of the mucous membranes.

Treatment is injection of a drug for pyraplasmosis / babesiosis, as well as symptomatic therapy, which includes infusion therapy, hepatoprotectors, diuretics, vitamin complexes.

Prevention of babesiosis in dogs is prevention of tick bite. For this purpose, insecticidal drugs are used in the form of drops, spray and a collar.

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